Hello Again!
After watching a couple of movies over the Christmas, me and my sister got talking. We just started discussing movies that we had watched, enjoyed, etc. As we thought about it more, we started picking out the things that frustrated us about films and what we didn't like in them. There was a lot of tiny things that often times people overlook but, wow, once someone points them out they can get quite irritating.
1. The Boy and The Girl Kiss in the Rain.
Okay, so it seems romantic and once upon a time I would have wanted that to happen but come on guys, wheres the sense in it? Have you ever tried it? Maybe it's just me, but I see nothing romantic about raccoon eyes from run off mascara and stringy wet hair that clings to your face. Plus, its Ireland. The novelty of rain has worn off by now.
2. Musicals
Personally, I love musicals. I wish my life could be a musical which is why I hate musicals. They always make you feel down about yourself afterwards. I'd love for people to randomly burst into a song that perfectly fits the mood but it just doesn't happen. It's a pity, but its true.
3. Sleeping People
The first thing that annoys me about sleeping people is that they always look so pleasant. Their perfectly curled hair just brushes the side of their face so gently , they don't have a single blemish on their rosie cheeks and their champagne colored lips form a delicate pout. Me on the other hand, I sleep like most normal people; face squished into the pillow, mouth half open, slightly dribbling, an arm and leg flung out of the bed, duvet kicked off. And if you would dare wake me, now that would cause trouble... I moan unintelligent nonsense about the time, it's always too early, I'm shockingly pale, my lips are chapped and my eyes bulging. I'm not exactly a pretty sight to see but it's realistic for most people. Normal people don't wake up with a smile on their face and sing songs about what a beautiful morning. That would just be an unfair demand to make on a person.
4. People still have the ability to save the day after being shot a dozen times
In a movie I saw recently, a man was shot in the stomach, blood gushing everywhere, yet, somehow, five minutes later he was able to wrestle a man onto the ground. Okay, so I have never been shot and I don't know how it feels but come on... Ive seen people rendered useless for five minutes in order to tend to a papercut. That sh*ts crazy!
Anyway, I think that's enough complaining for today! Comment/follow, there's more to come.
Love Always,